Tuesday, July 6, 2010

DIY: Dress Form

If you're like me and for some reason money just doesn't seem to like you, but you still want a dress form to conveniently make clothes, you should make one yourself. I just searched it on YouTube and found a whole bunch of different ways to make them. So, I compiled a whole bunch of methods and went to work. I did mine on my own and used an old shirt, then wrapped it with duct tape, then cut it off and stuffed it with poly-fil. Then I covered it in paper mache and a pretty fabric. Here's the video I used to learn how:
And here's a picture of mine:

As you can see it is VERY messed up and it deffinately isn't exact to my body but its close enough  and turned out pretty good for not having a helper. Looking back on it now I wish I would've made a video as I went along but, thinking back I don't think I even had a camera then. So, I hope this helps someone out there. (The videos, not mine lol. Mine are AWFUL but provide a good example of what can go wrong haha)

1 comment:

  1. I never realized how messed up this really was till I looked at the picture. haha I mean, look at the shoulders and the uneven arm. Hahaha this is HORRIBLE.
